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Material appendix
Book chapters
BI, Y. Concepts and Object Domains. In: Poeppel, D., Mangun, G. R., & Gazzaniga, M. S. (Eds.) The cognitive neurosciences. MIT Press; 2020. pdf
HAN, Z., & BI, Y. (2009). Selective Grammatical Class Deficits: Implications for the Representation of Grammatical Information in Chinese. Language Disorders in Speakers of Chinese, 184. pdf
舒华、毕彦超 (2006) 语言损伤与语言表征及加工,罗跃嘉等编辑《汉语认知神经科学》,北京大学出版社
Zhou, X., Shu, H., Bi, Y. & Shi, D. Is there phonological mediated access to lexical semantics in reading Chinese? In Wang, Inhoff & Chen (Eds.), Reading Chinese Script: A Cognitive Analysis. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998, 135-172